Fasoo News

[Press Release] Fasoo Featured for Innovation in KuppingerCole’s Enterprise Information Protection Market Compass Report

Fasoo, Inc. today announced that it is featured in KuppingerCole’s Enterprise Information Protection Market Compass report for Innovation. Fasoo received strong positives in the areas of Security, Rights Management, Policy Framework and Mobile Device Support including:

  • Automated Discovery, Classification and Protection of sensitive data in a single policy
  • Dynamic policy control allows for granular policy change even after encryption and distribution
  • Fasoo Smart Print detects personal information and applies pre-defined policy including masking sensitive data and blocking users from printing
  • Blocking screen-capture, secure copy/paste and trusted clock allow added file protection

“I am thrilled that Fasoo is being recognized for its innovation in this area,” said Deborah Kish, EVP Research and Marketing at Fasoo. “Customers choose our technology because we provide innovative features and capabilities to help automate their data security and privacy programs.” Kish said. “Our unique way of protecting information, centralized policies and exception management capabilities really simplify how our customers protect their information.” Fasoo’s encryption capabilities include a unique identifier that is added to files for tracing, visibility and comprehensive audit logging. These solutions allow for total automation of the data security process without interrupting workflows.

Enterprise Information Protection solutions help organizations protect intellectual property to maintain their competitive advantage. They are also instrumental in compliance with changing industry and privacy regulations where personally identifiable information (PII) must be located upon request and persistently protected. These capabilities are particularly critical with the current global environment of remote workforces. Ensuring the information is protected appropriately, access controls are in place, and responding to data subject requests or audits are key to the success of security and compliance initiatives.

For more information on Fasoo’s products and solutions, please visit fasoo.com. For more information on KuppingerCole, visit https://www.kuppingercole.com.

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