Fasoo News

[Event] GDS Security Insight Summit (Virtual)


Fasoo Enlightens Delegates of the “Protect First” Approach to Unstructured Data Security at the GDS Virtual Security Digital Summit

Fasoo sponsored the GDS Virtual Security Digital Summit June 15-17 where delegates attended sessions from their remote working environments. We met with senior security executives over Zoom video conferencing so we didn’t lose the face to face interactions from meeting in person. We had the pleasure of speaking with leading companies in the financial services, smart energy management, communications and other industries. Interestingly, many financial services companies are in the early stages of defining their data security strategies and are starting with structured data.

Several CISOs we spoke with indicated they use Data Loss Prevention (DLP) for email because they believe it is the first gap to close. Unstructured data is rising to the surface, but only after they have protected their structured data. Identity being the new perimeter, most are starting with Identity and Access Management. There are some outliers though. We spoke with one CISO who recognized the need to safeguard unstructured data and how important it is for records retention and data management to discover and protect sensitive unstructured data first to reduce the risk of a data breach or theft. This approach allows them time to derive a logical classification scheme while persistently protecting the data from inadvertent or malicious misuse.

Overall, the event was a success and we are looking forward to sponsoring future virtual events.

For more information, please visit the GDS Security Insight Summit website.

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