Fasoo News

[Event] Apex CISO Assembly – New York

Fasoo Demonstrates Strong Intellectual Property Protection and Regulatory Compliance at Apex CISO Assembly, New York 2019

Fasoo sponsored the Apex CISO Assembly at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City, November 5th 2019.

A considerable attendance of CISOs in the Financial, Healthcare, and Insurance sectors were among the folks who visited our booth. All with a great deal of interest in protecting unstructured data that is shared with external third parties. In addition, recognizing that Insider Threat exists and that unstructured data must become part of their Data Governance Strategies was top of mind. They recognize that they need solutions that help them regain control of their unstructured data with particular interests in discovery and classification, and encryption and access control.

Our Tech Disrupter presentation resonated across the room with several nodding heads as our EVP of Research and Marketing discuss how, as CISOs, they can better prepare for 2020 with Prioritizing Unstructured Data Security and Risk.

She reiterated to the audience that data leaving the secure structured environment becomes vulnerable to breaches and the variety of insider threats. That the data is no longer safe as it generally does not automatically get classified according to existing Data Governance policies, nor does it automatically get protected with encryption.

She also mentioned that perimeter approaches and point solutions do not work. That perimeter solutions protects the network, and point solutions require constant updating of policy, configurations adjusted, and rules interrupt workflows creating an environment where users may circumvent policies and rules in order to get their job done. All the while, the data itself is not protected.

She then shared with them Fasoo’s File-Centric approach which puts them on the fastest path to securing unstructured data. Automated discovery and classification, coupled with Fasoo’s “Pac n Tag” technology where encryption and perpetual embedded ID are applied – all at the file level. This provides stronger security and easier tracking for regulatory audits and stays with the file throughout its life-cycle. Access management is also far better controlled by granting individual rights to those who need it, keeping out those who don’t and setting an access expire date to ensure the file is protected even after projects are completed.

Fasoo products span the life-cycle of sensitive unstructured data to discover, classify, protect, monitor, control, track and expire access to content wherever it travels or resides. Our unified solution enables users to securely collaborate internally and externally with sensitive information while consistently meeting corporate governance and regulatory requirements. Our file centric approach using encryption with a unique identifier allows organizations to have more visibility and control over unstructured data without interrupting workflows.

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