Fasoo News

[Event] American Automotive Summit 2019

Fasoo Exhibits Strong Intellectual Property Protection at Generis’s American Automotive Conference, Detroit 2019

Fasoo sponsored the American Automotive Summit at the MGM Grand in Detroit, MI, September 16 & 17.

Our booth attracted Engineering and Manufacturing executives seeking solutions to safeguard their intellectual property. Protecting designs in CAD/CAE files from insider threat and ensuring security across the supply chain and third-party sharing are becoming part of the conversation when developing data governance and policy management strategies. They need solutions that help them regain control of their unstructured data with particular interests in discovery, encryption and access control.

American Automotive Summit 2019

The auto industry is particularly vulnerable to theft, and in our Webinar “Close the Gap on Insider Threat: Granular Access Controls & Behavior Analytics” , we cited a Deloitte survey where the respondents put the automotive industry at the highest risk of insider cyber threat. This means they need to put serious consideration into protecting their intellectual property in unstructured files and handled by multiple parties.

Line of Business leads are awakening their organizations to the many challenges posed by expanding volumes of unstructured data including lack of visibility and control.

American Automotive Summit 2019

Fasoo products span the life-cycle of sensitive unstructured data to discover, classify, protect, monitor, control, track and expire access to content wherever it travels or resides. Our unified solution enables users to securely collaborate internally and externally with sensitive information while consistently meeting corporate governance and regulatory requirements. Our file centric approach using encryption with a unique identifier allows organizations to have more visibility and control over unstructured data without interrupting workflows.

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