
Security Whack-a-Mole

Everyone has played whack-a-mole at sometime in their lives.  If you haven’t played it in an arcade or at an amusement park, I’m sure you played it online.  It’s a great way to get out your frustrations.  Unfortunately it can also be a metaphor for certain things in business.
One of the challenges of data and document security is that you are dealing with people, process and technology.  They all pop up just like in whack-a-mole.  With all the data breaches today, most organizations are focusing on the breakdown in their technology.  You also need to think about security policies for employees, vendors, contractors, visitors, etc.  What are the legal and financial processes you must follow if you have a breach?  What are the risks to your business, its officers and your customers?
Once you deal with one, another one pops up.  Legal has it covered, but an IT problem surfaces.  IT has it covered and now you have a financial risk.
It is important to have technology in place, but if you don’t address the people and process, you might feel like you are playing whack-a-mole with your organization’s information.
Photo credit 360 Digest

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