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Wrapsody White Paper


Every company faces constant challenges with managing the information that its employees generate. The ubiquity of devices and increasing availability of low cost storage encourage people to generate unprecedented numbers of copies of the files they create – many of which they don’t even realize they are creating.

To manage all this information, several tools exist: email, content management systems, file servers, cloud storage, enterprise messaging and social networks, and many others. All of these can be valuable, but they have limitations. Multiple versions of files proliferate throughout an organization, often without means of tracking them. Email messages are sent with file attachments that are also not tracked and sometimes not properly saved on employees’ devices. Multiple people will revise documents in parallel, leading to conflicts and lost changes. The ability to search across multiple copies and versions of files is often limited, as is enterprise-wide file search in general. Standard tools rarely give organizations the ability to monitor how documents and document templates are used over time.

Fasoo has introduced Wrapsody, a new approach to content management, to address these issues. Wrapsody is based on a file-centric approach: it links files with metadata to enable automated content synchronization and version control management beyond repositories, and to identify files wherever they reside rather than only being available within repositories that employees may use inconsistently.

This white paper describes Wrapsody, its features, functions, and technical specifications. It also discusses how Wrapsody differs from and complements other information management technologies, and presents typical use cases that other solutions don’t address.



Organizations today still have variety of issues and challenges managing documents, even though they have deployed Enterprise Document Management (EDM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM) or recently Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS). According to IDC, 48% of knowledge workers have emailed the wrong version of a file to a colleague or client, while 81% found themselves working on the wrong version by mistake.

Also, many documents still remain unmanaged, and redundant copies can be found easily on servers and desktops. Numerous emails, messages and calls are exchanged just to find the right version of a file. As a result, huge amount of time and resources are being wasted in working on documents.

In order to manage objects effectively, the system requires information associated with each object. Suppose a farm is using automated system to package apples and oranges. Most likely, change of doing it right will require human input unless the system has a flawless artificial intelligence to differentiate its characteristic. However, if each fruit is labeled with tags, then the automated system should be able to package them into the relevant box without human interventions.


Information Management Challenges

Today’s organizations devote a significant amount of effort creating, communicating, and collaborating on different types of documents using standard tools like Microsoft Office applications, email, messaging, social networks, and content management systems. Managing all of the information that these tools produce or share is a constant challenge.
Organizations that limit themselves to standard tools face several problems in information management. Here are some examples of these challenges:


Version Proliferation

This is perhaps the most fundamental problem. Today’s large hard disk drives and SSDs offer huge capacity, so that users don’t think twice about creating arbitrarily many copies of documents. Yet whenever a new copy is made, it could end up being either the same as or different from the previous copy.

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