Fasoo News

[Press Release] Fasoo Announces Its Inclusion in Leading Analyst Research Firm’s Now Tech: Data Discovery and Classification Report

Forrester has profiled Fasoo in its Now Tech: Data Discovery and Classification, Q3 2020 Report. This report provides a holistic view to the enterprises about vendors that can deliver greater visibility and understanding of sensitive data, secure it with appropriate controls and policies and support compliance, privacy and ethical data use.

In the report, Forrester recognizes that data volumes are growing daily, and as regulatory requirements evolve, businesses need to understand and protect sensitive data. Sensitive data typically includes regulated data and intellectual property. Fasoo’ s uniqueness is in its encryption process where an embedded ID is attached to each document and any derivative of that document. This embedded ID is baked into Fasoo’s data discovery and classification product, Fasoo Data Radar. Fasoo Data Radar provides any organization the ability to trace encrypted documents or derivatives leading to fast response time to data subject requests.

“We think this timely inclusion as a data security software provider in Forrester’s Report will propel our customers to take advantage of cutting-edge solutions, ensuring their intellectual property and other sensitive data types are appropriately protected and compliance with strict regulatory mandates is met.” said Deborah Kish, EVP Research and Marketing for Fasoo. “The current environment with most businesses having shifted to remote workforces means that data is even more out of the visibility and control of organizations than ever.” Kish said. “Fasoo Data Radar, is a key product in these very critical times.”

Fasoo solutions don’t stop at data discovery and classification. These are part of its comprehensive data centric, protect first platform that fortifies and simplifies early attempts at data loss prevention and enhances user behavior analytics. The platform also enables a self-reporting file method for the lifecycle of the file to meet audit and privacy requirements like GDPR and CCPA. Learn more about Fasoo’s approach in the Leadership Brief, “A Comprehensive Approach to File Security and Compliance”.

To read about Fasoo’s Data Discovery and Classification capabilities and profile in the report, download the report here (available to Forrester subscribers or for purchase).

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