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What is Format Preserving Encryption (FPE)?

Format preserving encryption (FPE) is a cryptographic method that encrypts data while keeping its original format intact. Unlike traditional encryption, which often changes the structure or length of the data, FPE ensures that the encrypted output maintains the same format, such as the same length and character set as the input. This is particularly useful in situations where the data needs to fit into existing systems or databases that expect specific formats, like credit card numbers, social security numbers, or dates. FPE allows sensitive information to be encrypted without disrupting the underlying system that handles or stores the data, providing security while preserving compatibility.


Fasoo Enterprise DRM

Product Overview

Protect, control, and track sensitive data persistently with a robust file-centric protection and granular access permission control.
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Fasoo Enterprise DRM


Watch how Fasoo Enterprise DRM empowers zero-trust security by protecting, controlling, and tracking your data with its file-centric security.
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Data Security Requires a Solution that Maintains Encryption


Learn how you can achieve the goal of security: to minimize the risks of a data breach or interruption in the services you provide to customers.
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Fasoo Enterprise DRM

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Encryption Specialist


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Fasoo Enterprise DRM

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