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World’s Steel Manufacturing Leader Adopts Fasoo Enterprise DRM

World’s Steel Manufacturing Leader Adopts Fasoo Enterprise DRM as its Global Standard Data Security Platform



This leading multinational steel manufacturer produces and sells high-quality steel products in more than 20 countries worldwide. It currently operates integrated steel mills in Asia, and a joint venture with U.S. Steel in the United States. Founded in 1968, the company is a global leader in manufacturing advanced steel products and related technologies that meet current industry and market needs. With more than 32,000 employees at 26 affiliates, it is ranked within the top 200 in the Fortune Global 500.


With 26 affiliates in over 20 countries, only some locations implemented Fasoo Enterprise DRM solutions. The company faced an increased need for data security among its affiliates, due largely to an ever-increasing business need for secure collaboration. Management decided to implement a new organization-wide data security system and integrate the existing, independent Enterprise DRM systems into it, so that all affiliates could securely share documents.

According to a directive from the board, each affiliate must enforce its own security policies while allowing data sharing among affiliates for selective documents. Exception management was also a big challenge, since changing business needs required a simple way to change security policies with minimal disruption to productivity. The standard data security platform assumed a centralized management system that for thousands of client PCs distributed in many regions. This required software updates, patches and policy changes be applied to all PCs concurrently, irrespective of time differences and network conditions.


Fasoo Enterprise DRM was deployed to persistently encrypt all documents in all affiliates. When users create documents, they are automatically encrypted with an affiliate-exclusive security policy, so the applicable documents are only shared within the affiliate, not among affiliates.

As users share documents with other affiliates, an organization-wide security policy is applied to enable secure collaboration among affiliates. This policy is enforced on selective documents only when approved by the line of business manager, and the existing enterprise portal workflows were used for this request-and-approval process.

Fasoo added a provisional permission request & approval process to the enterprise portal to handle inevitable exceptions. Through the approval process, administrators of each affiliate grant provisional document permissions to users on a request-and-approval basis. All activities pertaining to provisional permissions are tracked in real time for audit purposes.

To dynamically and concurrently distribute patches and software updates, Fasoo deployed an update server on Amazon Web Services (AWS). With the primary Fasoo management server running in Asia, they can ensure software updates and patches are applied to all client PCs of all affiliates concurrently.



By deploying Fasoo Enterprise DRM to all affiliates, the company can ensure compliance with its internal directive for persistent protection of internal documents while making it possible for affiliates to share and collaborate on demand without compromising the security of internal documents. Secure document exchange among affiliates significantly reduced the risk of data loss, while facilitating data collaboration and productivity. The ROI of the enterprise portal is increased by the integration of workflows and provisional permission.

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