Fasoo News

[CIOReview] Fasoo: Elevating Content Management and Collaboration to the Next Level

April 10, 2022

Knowledge workers use various tools to manage information, such as email, content management systems, and file servers. All of these can be valuable but have limitations. Multiple versions of files proliferate throughout an organization, often without means of tracking them. Email messages are sent with file attachments that cannot be traced and become isolated after saved on employees’ devices. Multiple people will revise documents in parallel, leading to conflicts and lost changes. It is inefficient and expensive to search across various copies and versions of files, as is enterprise-wide file search in general. Most organizations lack the ability to monitor how documents are actually used over time. Content management is not available to organizations as promised. To reflect the changing market dynamics, a content virtualization-based content services platform is introduced. The solution enables automated content synchronization and version control management beyond repositories and to identify files wherever they reside.

By ensuring that content management functionality travels with files wherever clients go, Wrapsody serves as the ultimate content platform for all kinds of enterprise solutions such as ERP, enterprise content management, cloud storage, enterprise messaging, and enterprise social networks. Wrapsody helps organizations build more effective security solutions around content by reducing redundant content and providing more accurate usage information.

When users create or save documents, the solution uses content virtualization technology to back up files automatically, without duplication and the ability to restore them instantly. This allows organizations to minimize risks from ransomware and helps them maintain all digital assets managed by all employees, including ex-employees.

Wrapsody assists organizations in empowering and securing a hybrid workplace in conjunction with data security solutions without worrying about information fragmentation which is a well-known nuisance of adding another collaboration tool.

“Productivity and security in the workplace are paramount to the success of any business. Cloud, mobile and digital workplace initiatives have evolved to address this challenge,” says Kyugon Cho, the Chairman of Fasoo. “Wrapsody provides customers with an intuitive enterprise collaboration solution that encompasses today’s generation of data security and data management capabilities.”

As one of the most well-known data security companies, especially as the pioneer of  Enterprise DRM technology, Fasoo has recently introduced its whole new content management and collaboration solution, Wrapsody, enabling organizations to elevate their content management and collaboration to the next level. Fasoo has positioned itself as a company providing a new paradigm for content management.

Fasoo’s success can be traced to its work culture paradigm called FIX—Fasoo Innovation Xystem. Introduced in mid-2000 as a unique organizational culture, FIX has been essential to improve the proactiveness and communication skillsets of all employees. It has developed as the company’s core value to build a growth mindset, divergent, lateral and associative thinking to maximize collective creativity. FIX allows employees to identify and define various challenges and problems, whether it relates to efficiency, convenience, system, or business process, and then discover or design creative solutions to solve problems. FIX enables Fasoo to innovate its file-centric security technology into content virtualization technology, solving the old content management problems.

Having delivered innovative data-centric security and content-centric document management, Fasoo is working on adding a next-generation enterprise messaging service. Fasoo’s new enterprise messaging provides seamless integration with enterprise applications and systems, enabling content-centric collaboration that is bound to documents, preventing data breaches, and enforcing the highest level of security. “We will continue to focus on customer innovation and creativity and work to provide a leading new paradigm for content management that will solve the challenges faced by organizations of all sizes and industries,” concludes Kyugon Cho.

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