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What is Print Security?

Print security refers to the practice of protecting sensitive information handled by printers and related devices within an organization. It involves implementing measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, data breaches, and misuse of printed documents. Print security strategies include user authentication, secure print release, encryption of print jobs, monitoring and auditing of print activities, and regular maintenance and updates of printing devices. By ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and retrieve printed materials, print security helps maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.


In Fasoo Enterprise DRM (FED), policy-based print protection lets data owners centrally set and manage print rules for printing on-premises or remotely and watermark unauthorized printouts. It takes a printer-agnostic approach to secure printing, which eliminates problems with using different printers or print drivers. The basic print permission setting is part of the Fasoo-encrypted document. In addition, Fasoo’s secure printing solution – Fasoo Smart Print – lets organizations apply print protection policies on various levels for plain and EDRM-secured documents alike.

Reference: Document Security: What Is Secure Print? (Fasoo Blog)


Fasoo Smart Print

Product Overview

Stop data breaches through printouts and empower your print security with Fasoo Smart Print!
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Fasoo Smart Print

Technical Datasheet

Learn how Fasoo Smart Print (FSP) helps organizations prevent print data breaches through data masking, block printing, and dynamic watermarks.
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Woman at home office printer
Document Security: What Is Secure Print?


Did you know that paper-based incidents still account for a whopping 30% of data breaches? It's helpful to keep this statistic in mind and plan for secure print in your organization.
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Fasoo Smart Print

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