
Why DLP and Behavior Analytics Fall Short of Zero Trust: And what you can do about it

Six steps to meet your Zero Trust standardsOrganizations working to upgrade their traditional data protection solutions to Zero Trust standards are struggling.  Zero Trust sets a higher bar and technologies underlying today’s solutions don’t scale to meet the challenges of the hybrid workplace nor do they protect data with strong enough methods.

Today’s DLP, CASB, and EPP solutions sit at data ingress/egress points applying rules and analytics as sensitive data moves about. But sensitive files find their way to third parties, unmanaged BYODs, and unsanctioned cloud services where data is accessed, used, and stored outside the corporate lens.

They also focus more on controlling, rather than protecting data. DLP and behavior analytics query and assess files to see if they follow rules and check for anomalous events. But the data itself is left unprotected and when breached too often goes undetected for weeks if not months.

Lost visibility and “observe rather than protect” methods fall short of Zero Trust standards. Zero Trust relies on continuous monitoring to gather context about users, applications, data usage, and devices to detect anomalous events. And data needs to be secure in all states, particularly for data in use, to stop exfiltration by insider and external actors.

How does Fasoo overcome these challenges to make Zero Trust for data security a reality?

Fasoo takes a different approach than today’s solutions. We push controls and advanced protection methods to what needs defense – the file – rather than chasing locations data may wander. Visibility is always maintained delivering rich context for Zero Trust explicit access decisions while data is encrypted at rest, in transit, and controlled while in use.

Here’s how our file-centric approach and these six key control and protection methods enhance your data security stack and put you on the path to Zero Trust.

1. Encrypt Sensitive Files Without Exception.

This seems an obvious need for an explicit-based model dealing with sensitive data. Don’t ask the new hire to decide. Use centralized policies and automated processes to transparently discover, classify, and encrypt sensitive files when users create or modify them. Hold the keys centrally so users don’t control your data, you do.

2. User Access, Least Privilege Access.

Letting an insider wander through a document repository or folders to access files is too implicit. Automatically assign and control user access to the file when and wherever it’s created. Use policies and automatically federate file access to the employee’s managers or department. Enhance least privilege access with data in use controls.

3. Control Data in Use.

What happens today with traditional solutions after an insider gains access to a file? It’s a free pass to copy, cut, paste, share, and store sensitive corporate data as they wish. If I simply need to view a document, why let me extract or share the data? Gain control with granular rights that limit how an insider uses your sensitive data.

4. Visibility.

Zero Trust relies on data visibility for continuous monitoring across the hybrid workplace. Today’s solutions lose visibility as data moves about siloed applications and unmanaged assets. Attach controls to the file itself to ensure visibility is never lost and logs capture all interactions throughout the document lifecycle.

5. Continuous Monitoring.

Siloed solutions don’t track data the same way or share log information. It’s impossible to monitor thousands if not hundreds of thousands of document interactions to surface anomalous events. Instead, enable each file to self-report context about users, devices, and data interactions to a universal log to make monitoring straightforward.

6. Adaptive Access.

Can you invoke a policy change across your entire hybrid workplace, dynamically, with tools in each solution to make stepped, adaptive changes to access? That’s what Zero Trust requires. A centralized policy engine can reach sensitive files anywhere across the hybrid workplace. Data in use tools can revoke or expand what users can or can’t do with the document.


Take the Right Path to Zero Trust Data Security

Zero Trust is not a product. It’s a model. Vendor approaches to implementing Zero Trust for data security differ and most fall short of the higher standards Zero Trust demands. Make sure your security teams distinguish between the underlying technologies used to operationalize Zero Trust.

As users and data continue to move around, Fasoo’s file-centric approach and these six key control and protection methods are your best path to Zero Trust. Fortify data security with these explicit safeguards that are the cornerstones for Zero Trust Data Security.

Learn more about how Fasoo converges these explicit controls and protection with its Data Security Platform that makes Zero Trust implementation easy.

And how one of our customer’s CISOs executed a quick-take playbook to prioritize and accelerate the organization’s 2023 Zero Trust initiatives.

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